mandag 18. juni 2012

Dunlin at Kviljoodden - Myrsnipe

Kviljoodden is one of the best places to observe shorebirds in Vest-Agder. The list of birds seen contains several rare species. Yesterday I only observed more common species, and among them two Dunlins (myrsniper) in their summer plumage.

Dunlins from Kviljoodden.

søndag 17. juni 2012

Loons - Smålom & Storlom

Loons are right now on the move. Right now Red-throated and Black-throated Loons are the most common species.
Red-throated Loon (Smålom), winter plumage, from Sånumsstranda, Mandal 09 December 2011. The bird was photographed in rain. Note the slender bill.

Black-throated Loon (Storlom), adult and 2K, Nordhasselstranda, Farsund 16 June 2012. The adult bird shoves white at the back, dark throat and a straight bill. 

søndag 3. juni 2012


Here are some common and hard to see raptors from Mandal photographed the last years.
                                           White-tailed Eagle (Havørn) seen from my house (Frøysland) 01 November 2010.

                                            Common Kestrel (Tårnfalk), Jåbekk, 14 September 2011

                                              Common Buzzard (Musvåk), Sånum, 14 April 2012

                                             Western Marsh Harrier (Sivhauk), Skjernøya, 20 May 2012

                                                 Black Kite (Svartglente) seen from my house (Frøysland), 01 June 2012